The complete guide to Necrobook!

This is my first 2010 guide, and it's about Necromonion-one extrmly underrated but awsome item. Enjoy!

Introduction to Necrobook
Necrobook is undoubtfully one of the most underrated item in Dota, you're probably asking: Why would a item that gives +10str +24int and demonic summoning when fully upgraded? Well, a lot of people had experimented with Necrobook, and must of them fail to use it properly, manily because they don't have a lot of micromanagement or they wants to use Necrobook like a pro but no matter how hard they trie they just can't achive that. I've seen loads of people saying "its the worst item in the history of Dota". Unfortuneately, that is true for many people. So i decided to create this guide to teach people how to use Necrobook properly.
Pro and Cons of Necrobook
-Great against int heros
-Necromonion warrior's last will can sometimes kill
-Great for ganking
-Benefit from slow stun etc.etc
-Dont cost a lot of mana to summon
-Great for scouting
-Gives a good amount of cash when killed
-Lasts only 30 secs
-Easily destroyed in late game
-Not that useful against non mana dependent heros, hero with a lot of passives, and some str heros.
-Hurt by anti-summon spells
-Dosent do a lot of dmg in late game
As you can see above, Nceromoions have a lot of cons and pros, but in the right hand, they can be devastating.
When to use Necrobook:
-When there is a lot of int heros
-When you need anti-invis
-When you're team needs some anti-casters
When not to use Necrobook:
-When there is a lot of non-mana dependent heros
-When there is a lot of anti-summoners
-When you're short on cash

Necromonion's role in teams:
-Mana burning
Necrobook's stats:

Level 1:
Demonic summoning
Level 2
Demonic summoning
Level 3:
Demonic summoning
(5350k total)
Necromonion Warrior:
(All Necromonions are level 5!)
Level 1:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 400
HP regen: 5
Damage: 21 (Normal)(100 melee)
Armor: 6 (Heavy)
Mspd: 330
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1300/1300
Deals 200 pure dmg to whoever kills it.
Burns 25 mana/hit, 60% mana burned will be dealt as dmg.
Level 2:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 600
HP regen: 5
Damage: 41 (Normal)(100 melee)
Armor: 8 (Heavy)
Mspd: 360
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1400/1400
Deals 400 pure dmg to whoever kills it.
Burns 50 mana/hit, 60% mana burned will be dealt as dmg.
Level 3:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 800
HP regen: 5
Damage: 61 (Normal)(100 melee)
Armor: 10 (Heavy)
Mspd: 390
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1500/1500
Deals 600 pure dmg to whoever kills it.
Burns 75 mana/hit, 60% mana burned will be dealt as dmg.
True sight:
Gives a 1000aoe true sight.
Necromonion archer:
Level 1:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 400
HP regen: 5
Damage: 31 (Piercing)(350)
Armor: 6 (Heavy)
Mspd: 330
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1300/1300
Burns 125 mana.
Gives 3% aspd and ms boost in 400 aoe.
Level 2:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 600
HP regen: 5
Damage: 61 (Piercing)(450)
Armor: 8 (Heavy)
Mspd: 360
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1400/1400
Burns 175 mana.
Gives 6% aspd and ms boost in 400 aoe.
Level 3:
Level: 5 (59 experience)
HP: 800
HP regen: 5
Damage: 91 (Piercing)(550)
Armor: 10 (Heavy)
Mspd: 390
BAT: 1
Vision day/night: 1500/1500
Burns 225 mana.
Gives 9% aspd and ms boost in 400 aoe.
*Note: All Necros have 40% spell reduction.
*Note: Necromonion archer is mainly used for supporting.
*Note: Necromonion warrior is mainly used for doing dmg/scouting.
Heros that work great with Necromonion
Heros that works well with Necromonion in general:
Basically, any hero with stun, slow, disable, fast ms will work well with Necromonion because they can disble the enemy so the Necros will do more dmg. Fast heros can get a extra boost from aura.

Why does these hero works great with Necromonion?

Beast is probably 1 of the best str users in Dota, u ulti the enemy, use Call of the Wild, then use Necromonion, Voila. Theres basically no escape for the enmey, they are stuned because of ulti, u get speed boost because of Necro, after ulti the enmy is still slowed, kill guarantied!

Omni works great with Necromonion because of his aura and healing moves. The necros will benefit from the slow and you will gain a ms boost(which makes the ms differnece between you and the enemy 37% at Degen aura level 4 and Necromonion level 3 by the way).You can heal ur Necros if they have low hp, and you can almost make em invulnerable with Ulti+Repel combo.

Alch have some synergies with Necromonion mainly because of his Unstable Concotion and Acid Spray. Acid spray drops armor, which cause the Necros does more dmg, and his Unstable Concotion can stun for 5 secs! Enough for the Necros to do some serious dmg.

I have only used Necromonion on Clock once or twice but I found out it's actually pretty damn nice. Try cogging someone with ur Necros, it can do some serious dmg in mid and early game(not so much in late game though). Also the aura from the Necros works great with Battery Assult since it provide you with a good amount of ms.

There's only 1 skill that synergies well with Necromonion, and that is Frostamourne. With Frostamourne+Necros, you'll gain 29%speed boost! Also, try using Shield+Necros, it makes a perfect getaway!

Panda is a hero that's all about micromanagement, and Necrobook adds more micromanagement, although controling around 5--10 units at a time is hard to master, once you've mastered it, it actually works out pretty nice. Your units will benefit the most from Endurance aura. Try using Haze-Calp-Necromonion-then ulti.

Lycan dosent have any slow or disable spell, so why would Lycan benefit from Necromonion? Well, when you use ulti, ALL of your units move at max ms. That means Necros move at max ms to! Plus, they can destroy your enemy's mana in no time.

Many people gets Necromonion for Pit but dosent use it very often. But I'm not one of them, I frequently use Necromonion on Pit and I found it it helps you to kill faster, also Pit of Malice+Necros is great since the enemy will be disabled and will keep reciving incoming dmg for 3 secs.

Pudge is actually reallyyy good with Necromonions for the following reasons:
-When Disambering, Necros will do some serious dmg
-Necros will benefit from the slow effect from rot
-It helps Pudgy chase/gank faster

I just recently found out that NS is good with Necromonion because, 1. It provide you with more bonus ms. 2. They benefit from slow. 3.They can cripple spell casters with the help of Cripping Fear. In addition, they reveal invis heros and wards.

Tc's ulti, spirit, and aura has some synergies with Necromonion but Necromonion archer's range atk will sometimes ruin a Stomp+Ulti-combo, so summon the Necros after you use stomp. Aura can lower the enmy's armor into basically nothing, spirit plus Necromonion aura gives a nice ms boost, and ulti provides a huge slow.

Correct me if I'm wrong, nut due to recent test I found it slar is great with Necromonion because of the following reasons:
1.His ulti can amplifie a lot of dmg
2.The ms aura helps him gank
3.Necros will benefit from stun/bash

Dirge sometimes can't really chase down a fleeing enemy simply because his ulti's 7% slow just isn't good enough. But Necromonion solves that problem. The ms bonus will help out a lot, and the Necros will benefit from the dmg amplifie from Dirge's ulti.

Why does these heros work well with Necromonion?

Slice has great synergies with Nceromonion, mainly because od Diffusal and Ensnare, Ensnare provides a awsome 5sec disable, and your Necros can do some serious dmg at that time. Diffusal+Necromonion can drain the enemy's mana in a few secs.

NA has Impale, which provides stun and dmg-something that synergies well with Neromonion, and the might Mana Burn, which, combined with Necros, can burn some serious mana. Necromonion+Mana Burn can cause int hero's mana to drop like theres no tomorrow(Obsidian destroyer will have no mana in a few secs).

Viper is probably the best agi Necromonion user due to ulti and Posion strike. Poison strike+ulti can almost slow the enemy down by 90% at lvl 4! At that point, your enemy will have around 100ms which is as slow as hell. You can then summon your Necros and do some serious dmg, and you also get a 9% ms boost!

Necromonion on Riki requires some strategy to use because he has no actual slow(aside from the unreliable Smokescreen). Anyways, what I usually do is I look for a hero with Gem or no Gem, I send in the Necros to distract him, then I cast Smoke. The ms bonus will help a lot on ganking, additionally the Necromonion archer's true sight can spot wards.

Potm works great with Necromonion because of the following reasons:
1.If you stun an enemy by 5 secs with Arrow, then you could summon your Necros and do some serious dmg
2.The ms bonus helps you chase/gank
3.If you have Deso equipped, then you could do more dmg
4.You can use ulti to run away but you can leave the Necros behind to scout
5.You can use Necros to scout for runes

Veno is a Dpser and sometimes a pusher, but Necromonion actually helps with his dps abilities because Gale+Sting+summon Necos will do almost 200+dmg/sec is you use it right. Additionally, the ms aura helps you gank better.

The only skill that synergies with Necromonion is probably Bite. Brood is usually found with +400ms and aura can help increase it even more. Bite slows by 40% at lvl 4, but sometimes Brood might take a long time to kill an enemy(Due to the fact that many people run away when they see a Brood with full hp). But Necromonion provides more dmg boost and they can burn away mana.

Medusa can burn away some serious mana with Snakes+Necromonion combo(Usually 100mana burned/sec). But our main spotlight focuses on Gaze, a 50% slow for 5secs. With Necromonion and Gaze Medusa can usually ko an enemy in less than 10 secs.

Why does these heros work great with Necromonion?

I just recently found out that Coil works great with Necromonion, simply because that after casting Coil, most Puck players just focues on hitting someone else instead of Coiled enemy. Which gives the enemy a chance to not move and not take dmg for the Coil duration. But Necromonion solves that problem, If the enemy stays then the Necros could do some serious dmg, and if the enemy tries to run, they'll be stuned.

Chen is the master of dominating creeps, and Necromonion will make Chen the ultimate creep master. Not only your creeps will get the aura bonus, but your Necros+Creeps can do some serious dmg with Persuation.

Kotl+Necromonion combo can usually drain an enemy's mana in no time. Mana Leak+Necros is extremly deadly. If the enemy tries to run, then they loose mana and will be slowed, and your Necros could catch up and start doing dmg. If the enemy choose to stay they will be heavily crippled. The ms aura also helps to gank.

Furion can trap an enemy with Necromonion with Sprout, which is very nice because your enemy can't run because they're trapped and they'll get mana burned. So basically a kill is guarantined if this happens. Additionally, the ms/as aura really helps Treants.

Silencer already has high dmg output with Gliaves and Orchid, but with Nceromonion, he'll get insane dmg output. Orchid amplifies your dmg and Necros's dmg. The ms/as aura helps you chase/atk faster. Also, the int bonus from Necromonion enhance the power of Glavies by a little.

Necromonion can really give a hand on lina simply because:
1.The ms/as aura helps her chase when ulti is absent
2.Necros benefit from stun
3.Gives her some more dmg

Visage will benefit a lot from Necromonion. When an enemy is grave chilled,theres basically no escape because you have ms bonus, the enemy loose ms, and your Familiars will atk faster and move faster.

Ogre has a stun, slow, speed/aspd boost, and the ever powerful Multicast-all of them synergies well with Necromonion. Try using Stun-Summon-whack-Slow-Bloodlust, If you use this combo correctly, then a multicast is almost guarantied.

Fiend grip, one of the most nastiest spells in Dota, has just now gone nastier because of Necromonion! Sometimes a Grip can't really kill some heros, but Necromonion could give you an hand and do some nice shit with Grip.

Ds dosent really benefit a lot from Necromonion because he has Surge-a max ms skill. But he still benefits. A perfect Vaccum could suck an enemy right into the hands of Necromonion, he can do some really high dmg with Ion Shell and Necromonion, and he can create mass confusion with the Ulti+Necromonion combo.

Necromonion is undoubtfully the best item on Lion. You use a disable, summon Necromonion, and start doing dmg. Necromonion are usually strong enough toknock an enemy's hp to red so Lion could launch a perfect ulti.

Necromonion only benefit from 1 of Akasha's skill, and that is Shadow Strike. Akasha sometimes couldn't finish of an fleeing enemy because she can't do to much dmg without her teammates. But Necromonion can solve that problem. Although Necros sometimes gets left behind due to via Blink

Warlock's Infernal will benefit a lot from Necromonion. The ms bonus can pump up the power of Infernals to almost maximum. With Infernals+Refresher+Necromonion+Shadow word_Ftal Bond, the dmg output is almost INSANE.

Dazzle relys on his physical spells/dmg rather than spell dmg. His ulti can take a huge amount of armor from an enemy. Which will cause the Necros to do more dmg than ever. The ms boost will help you gank, and your slow could stop an enemy from fleeing.

Necromonion's main job for Techies will to kill wards and to help him get a ms boost in early/mid game. I've seen this guy who is so good with countering Techies that he warded all of Techies's mine spot. Techies became useless until he bought a Necromonion, the true sight revealed around 20 wards in 10mins and the Necros destroyed it pretty quick.

Enigma can destroy enemys in secs with the ulti+Necromonion combo, sometimes a Blackhole couldn't really kill an enemy simply because it's dmg isn't really that nice in late game. But Necromonion solves that problem, they provide extra dmg whil an enemy's Blackholed.

Pugna has ward, which is a good anti-casting move, and with Necromonion, it becomes almost the best anti-casting move! The ms aura will help him gank, the enemy still can get mana burned while he/she is Decrepified, and there will be some serious mana being burned.

I haven't been playing AA to much due to the fact I hate imba heros. But I found out AA is good with Necromonion when I saw he's skills, he has stun and slow, which works great with Necromonion because the Necros will beenefit from them.

Krob can do really well with Necros because Krob usually dont have enough speed to chase down opponents, but Necromonion can give a extra pinch, it provides speed aura to cahse down enemys and it provides extra dmg.

Nercolyte has no stun, disable, slow, or ms boost. But however, it works great with Necromonion simply because sometimes Necrolyte dosent have enough power to knock down an enemy's hp to red for a perfect ulti. But Necromonion can help by giving him more dmg and ganking abilities.

Lich has many slows and he usually gets Guinsoo, so of course Lich is going to be 1 of the top int Necromonion users in the game. Try using Nova+summon+ulti+armor+sheepstick, you'll find out that there is no escape for the enemy!

Kael's walk, Spirits, and Tornado have some nice synergies with Necromonion, spirits will benefit a lot from auras, Kael will also beenfit from aura. Kael can use Ghost walk to slow an enemy down while his Necros attack.

Wd is probably the best int Necromonion user because all for of his skills have synergies with Necros, Cask can stu while your Necros atk, you can heal your Necros with Vodoo, Maledict+Necros can do some high dmg, and finally, Ward+Necro+Maledict can do some insane dmg.

Necromonion will benefit a lot from Rash's disable, Shackle+Vodoo+Sheepstick+Euls can disable an enemy for more than 10 secs! He can also kick some serious ass with the Necromonion+Shackle+ward combo.

Pulse nova works great with Necromonion, simply because the Necros provides extra dmg and a nice speed boos so you can chase dwon enemys and kill them faster. Necromonion will also benefit from Leshrac's stun skill.

Cm is a caster, which means that without help in late games, she can't really kill that much, but Necromonion solves that problem, they can provides some nice dmg and a powerful speed boost aura.

Jaikro requires some strategies with Necromonion, because of the fact that Jaik's spells wont hit 100% of the time, so use breath+Wall+Ulti combo, your Necromonions can drove your enemy into a perfect position for ulti.
Items that works well with Necromonion:
Theres only a few items that works well with Necromonion...

Why does these items work well with Necromonion?

Diffusal is Necromonion's worst enemy, but also best friend, Purge slows by a HUGE amount, which means your Necros can go up and whack, whack, whack...

Diffusal cuts a lot of armor, which will amplifie your Necro's dmg.

Orchid provides dmg amplifie and silence, which means that theres no escape for your enemy.

I don't really suggest getting Skadi since its to expensive and buy the time you get it, the game will be almost over, but however the slow is great.

Guinsoo provides a 3.5sec disable, which means more dmg will be done by your Necros.

Assult gives a nice bit of armor and lowers your enemy's armor. But Assult's armor aura dosen't stack with Vlads's armor aura. So choose one or the other.

Vlads can provide a lifesteal aura)Necromonion warrior only), dmg aura, and armor aura, other than that, it's useless.

Heals your Necros, not too much to say about it...
Getting Necromonion:
This part of the guide is for people that have financial problems with Necromonion.
Saving gold to buy Necromonion:
You shouldn't really have a lot of problems saving up 2700g to buy level 1 Necromonion, but before you buy it, make sure you buy some basic items/survival items to make urself stronger. If you have trouble farming and dying a lot, then buy some healing items and start jungling. If you do have the strength to jungle alone, then ask an allie to help you, but most of the times, you can get this item pretty quickly.
Upgrading Necromonion:
Necromonion level 3 is the best, but you don't always have to upgrade all 3 levels at once. If you have some other items you need to get first, then get them first, but at mid late game, you should upgrade your Necromonion because low leveled Necromonion die pretty quickly.
Basic strategy:
Now we move onto the details and basic strategy of Necromonion...
Things you need to know about Necromonion:
*Necromonion DIES to Diffusal or Purge
*Necromonion CAN regenerate hp
*Each Necromonion is worth 200g, so don't feed them
*Necromonion looses it's effectiveness in late game
*Necromonion can sometimes drive an enemy into insanity (which means they'll do anything to kill your Necromonion)
*All Necromonions do reduced dmg against heros and fortified armor
*Necromonion CANT attak Roshan
Early game strategy:
In early game, dont rush for Necromonion, get some basic items first like Bracers, Bottle, etc.etc. Necromonion level 1 kinda sucks and it dosen't give you good survivablility. If you want to rush for Necromonion then get boots and some cheap starting items, if your rushing you should get Necromonion at around lvl9 or 10, if not, the get it around lvl11-16.
Mid game strategy:
It's mid game now, and you should probably get Necromonion and upgrade it to lvl 2 or even 3 if you farmed well, upgrade your boots, if you have core then get your core first, once all that is down, start ganking!
Scouting for runes:
-Always keep an eye out for runes
-If you found a rune, tell your Necromonion to hold position until a hero comes.
-Always, use Necromonion warrior to scout
-Neromonion can't get runes!
-If an enemy comes and tries to obtain the rune, tell the Necros to destroy it! (obviously, it's a lot better to destroy it and let nobody have it then let the enemy get a DD and start owning)
-If 2 heros are all wants the same rune, then block the enmy.
-Never run away when you see an enemy approching your rune...
Ward wars:
Ward wars can sometimes be really annoying, what happens is that the enmy's(or your's)team put down a ward for scouting, then the other team discover the ward by using another ward, and the enmy's team discovers that ward and so on and so on. Eventually, the whole map will be filled with wards. Gem can counter wards but I often see Gem carriers get targeted a lot and the Gem carrier will eventually die and give the gem to the other team. Necromonion can actually solve this problem, once you've found out where evryone's ward is, you can destroy them 1 by 1, you can destroy almost 10 wards in 30 secs! (You must have true sight though).
Common places for warding:
These are the common spots for warding:
Ouside Roshan's lair
Hero scouting:
Hero scouting is when you send your Necros to scout for heros, your Necros can't do too much shit with your heros but the whole point of hero scouting is to know where a hero is so ur team can gank him, this is better than sending a hero to scout because if the enmy's whole team shows up then ur dead... XD
Ganking with Necromonion:
Ganking with Necromonion requires some strategy, here are the things you need to know:
1.Know where the enemy is
Your enemy will show up on the minimap 70% of the time, so that means he/she will spend some time hiding somewhere, so scout using your Necromonion or a leaver, or a powerful allie.
2.I found a hero...
Good for you! Now left-click on the hero and look at it's stats, you don't woant to gank a hero with 4000hp and 500dmg obviously, if he's too tough, find someone else, if he's weak, lure him into ur traps by using via Necromonion.
Most of the times, you can kill a weak hero, here is how the killing combo goes:
1.Summon Necromonion
2.Use ur stun/disable/slow
3.Use a ms boost skill/as boost skill
4.Use item
6.You get a kill, or the enemy runs away...
Killing with Necromonions:
Necromonion can kill, but not always, your Necros can move pretty fast with the ms aura, but their dmg is kinda lacking in late game. But they can ususally kill an enemy hero easily when the enmy is stuned.slowed/disabled.
Necromonion "huddle"
Necromonion huddle is when your Necromonion warrior is about to die, their is a aoe hero chasing it. When this happens, bring your Necros together, the aoe hero will use his/her aoe spells and hurt ur archer but will kill the warrior. The good thing is that the enemy will take 200/400/600 pure dmg. =)
Late game strategies:
What can I say, Necromonion looses its effectiveness in late game, now everyone will have their luxries like Buriza or Guinsoo, and everyone will have around 300 dmg. You Necromonion will be easily killed in 5 secs or less. But however, if you get Vlads, have a heal, and a powerful aoe boost, then you might want to keep using Necromonions.
Countering Necromonion:
Countering Necromonion is easier said then done, in a noob's hands, you could kill it in a few secs, in a pro's hands, you won't be happy with the results.
Heros that counter Necromonion:

Disablers/stunners can disable the Necromonion to make sure then can't do shit.

Slowers will make sure Necromonions don't get away.
Heros with high dmg:

Heros with high dmg can kill Necromonion in secs.
Necromonion warrior's last will does 200/400/600 dmg to whoever kills it, which is often enough to kill paper thin hp heros, so if u are a paper thin hp hero, then avoid it or let a creep kill it.
Items that counter Necromonion:
Theres only 1 item that counters Necromonion and that is:

Diffusal is Necromonion's nightmare, it destroys the Necros in secs! and what makes it worse is that the enemy can always buy more charges, if an enemy is uing Diffusal, i suggest don't use Necromonion because you'll be giving 200g to the enemy everytime you summon the Necros. Avoid this shit at all costs!
Credits to Blizzard entertainment for making this awsome game
Credits to Icefrog and his pals for designing Dota
Credits to Staffs and admins of for making this awsome website
Credits to Funnywarfare for his support for this guide
Credits to everyone who read this guide
*Note If you ever try to plagarize, copy and paste, or claim owned ship of this guide, I sewar to god I would sue you and make sure you don't see daylight again!
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